Study Study Study

This is what I’ve been doing since I got back to London on Friday.

Studying, studying and more studying.  Yes my stupid school has exams for fall semester AFTER the winter break.  It doesn’t make one bit of sense but that’s the way the cookie crumbles in the UK (most schools). I have 4 exams in the next week and then 2 days off before starting the next semester.

Back to the books.  Wish me luck! 

A & J’s Big Adventure – Part 3

Since it was looking like this outside and our train was supposed to leave in a couple of hours we were getting nervous.

We kept checking the Eurostar twitter and they were canceling trains left and right but ours was still scheduled to leave Disney at 7:30pm.  We got to the train station a little early and waited in line.  We waited and waited and waited until 9:30pm and they said the train was coming soon.  Eventually around 10:30pm they announced the train was canceled.  It turned into chaos!  700 people stranded at the very very cold train station.  Parents were screaming because their children were cold, hungry and tired. No one knew what was going on.  They couldn’t even tell us when the next train was scheduled to go to London.  Eventually they put us up in hotels and told us to come back to the train station tomorrow.  The room they gave us had bunkbeds (and a full sized bed).

This is when we realized that we were going to miss our flight from London to NY on Monday.  Plan B was devised (after me freaking out for a good hour) and it turns out Delta had already canceled our flight to NY because there was a blizzard in London as well.

Up Next: Plan B (not the birth control).